0330 100 0727
0330 100 0727

Fire Marshal Training

It’s a legal requirement for employers to provide information, instructions, and adequate training to their employees about fire safety precautions in the workplace. Our Fire Marshal training course allows the responsible person to meet the legal duties under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 via online training.

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About this Fire Marshal training course

Having a designated fire warden or marshal at your workplace is a legal requirement and an important part of fire safety. The designated fire warden works together with the employer to ensure that workplace fire safety measures and procedures are in place.

Our Fire Warden training course will teach your staff what are the different types of fire extinguishers, how to use them, how to prevent fires, how to complete a fire risk assessment, how to deal with emergency evacuations and the roles and responsibilities of a fire marshal. On completion of this online training course, they will become the designated fire marshal / fire warden at work and have the ability to carry out the correct responsibilities and duties.

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Entry & Level, Fire Marshal, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher Types, Fire Marshal training online, Fire Marshal responsibilities, fire marshal course, Fire Marshal course online,  difference between fire warden and fire marshal, fire marshal UK, digital fire marshall training, fire marshal certificate, online fire marshal training, online fire marshal, online fire marshal course Entry & Level There are no barriers to entry on this Fire Warden training course. This is an awareness course, suitable for all.
Fire Marshal Certification, Fire Marshal, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher Types, Fire Marshal training online, Fire Marshal responsibilities, fire marshal course, Fire Marshal course online,  difference between fire warden and fire marshal, fire marshal UK, digital fire marshall training, fire marshal certificate, online fire marshal training, online fire marshal, online fire marshal course Certification On completion of this online course, either download your Fire Marshal certificate or access it later online. Your fire marshal training certificate will be valid for up to three years.
Fire Marshal Accreditations, Fire Marshal, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher Types, Fire Marshal training online, Fire Marshal responsibilities, fire marshal course, Fire Marshal course online,  difference between fire warden and fire marshal, fire marshal UK, digital fire marshall training, fire marshal certificate, online fire marshal training, online fire marshal, online fire marshal course Accreditations This Fire Warden training course is CPD accredited. It meets accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.


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Providing relevant knowledge and skills

Fire Marshal training course learning outcomes

On completion of this Fire Marshal course online, either by webinar or blended learning, learners should know and understand the following:

  • The role and responsibilities
    The fire warden or marshal responsibilities and role
  • Relevant legislation and guidelines
    Relevant fire safety legislation and guidelines including the Fire Safety Order 2005.
  • Preventing fires
    How to prevent workplace fires and the spread of them within buildings
  • Fighting fires
    Fighting fires with both fixed installations and portable extinguishers
  • Fire hazards and causes of fires
    Learn the different fire hazards and causes of fire
  • Emergency protocol
    Emergency protocol, including evacuation procedures, emergency lighting and assembly points
  • Fire alarms, fire drills and safety training
    Understand Fire alarms, fire drills and fire safety training
  • Fire risk assessment
    Know how to complete a fire risk assessment
  • Categories of fire and how they differ
    Gain an understanding of the categories of fire and how they differ
  • Fire extinguisher types
    Learn the different types of fire extinguishers
  • Colour codes on fire extinguishers
    Meaning of the colour codes on fire extinguishers
  • Reporting
    Regular fire safety inspections and keeping a fire log

Fire Marshal, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher Types, Fire Marshal training online, Fire Marshal responsibilities, fire marshal course, Fire Marshal course online,  difference between fire warden and fire marshal, fire marshal UK, digital fire marshall training, fire marshal certificate, online fire marshal training, online fire marshal, online fire marshal course


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FAQ - The Fire Marshal training course

Frequently asked questions

We understand that as an employer, by law you are responsible for fire safety and may have lots of questions. To put your mind at ease, we’ve put together common fire marshal/fire warden questions and answers our training experts receive.

If you have any additional questions regarding our fire marshal training, or any of Flexbee’s fire safety courses, contact our friendly team.

What is the role of a fire marshal?

The role and responsibilities of a fire marshal or warden include:

○ Assess fire risks
○ Identify fire hazards and report them to the relevant person
○ Conduct consistent assessments of the buildings
○ Ensure everyone evacuates the building in an event of a fire
○ Administer first aid
○ Fight fire if necessary
Our online Fire Warden training course will teach your staff these fire marshal duties, along with the relevant fire safety legislation and the different types of fire extinguishers.
Do you legally need a fire marshal?

Having a trained fire marshal or warden on site helps you meet your legal obligations as set out in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and this can be achieved through a Fire Marshal certificate.

In the event of a fire, you are expected to have dedicated members of staff with valid Fire Marshal certifications. These individuals must understand the responsibilities of a fire marshal and possess the competent skills to assist in the case of an emergency. That appointed fire marshal will help the responsible person comply with the law.

What is the difference between a fire marshal and a fire warden?

The difference between a fire marshal and a fire warden isn't much, they are quite similar, but there are differences between the two.

A fire marshal’s responsibilities generally fall into two categories: preventing fires and safe emergency evacuation.

A fire warden's responsibilities are to clear the building and ensure no one is inside by carrying out a quick check and a thorough roll call at the fire assembly point.

How often do you need fire marshal training?

Fire Marshal training certificates expire after 3 years, so ideally you should ensure you renew your Fire Marshal training before it expires. However, refresher training should be taken every year or even more frequently if you have higher workplace risks to ensure your staff effectively refresh their knowledge and will act appropriately in the event of a fire.

The frequency of Fire Warden training will be based on the level of the risk in the building. If you are unsure, you can find this out by carrying out a risk assessment. For example, care homes would need training more often than a small ground floor shop with a small amount of floor space due to high life risk.

Our Fire Marshal course and refresher training will ensure your staff have the relevant, up-to-date knowledge they need.

How many fire marshals are required in a workplace?

The amount of fire marshals that you need in a workplace is dependent on the risk and size of your organisation e.g. how many floors are in the building, how many employees or people you have in one area at one time and accessibility.

As a rule of thumb, those with a low-risk premise could have:

○ At least 1 fire marshal for fewer than 50 employees/occupants
○ 2 fire marshals for 50-100 employees/occupants
○ And 1 additional fire marshal for every additional 100 employees/occupants

Those with a normal-risk premise should have:

○ At least 1 fire marshal for fewer than 20 employees/occupants
○ 2 fire marshals for 20-75 employees/occupants
○ And 1 additional fire marshal for every additional 75 employees/occupants

And finally, those with a high-risk premise should have:

○ At least 1 fire marshal for fewer than 15 employees/occupants
○ 2 fire marshals for 15-50 employees/occupants
○ And 1 additional fire marshal for every additional 50 employees/occupants

Who is the responsible person in Fire Safety?

The responsible person in the workplace would be:

○ The employer
○ The owner of the building
○ The landlord
○ An occupier
○ Or anyone else with control of the premises e.g. building manager
Does this Fire Marshal course include the fire extinguisher types?

Yes, this Fire Marshal training course does include information on fire extinguisher types and how to use them. As a quick overview, please see the list of them below:

○ Water Fire Extinguishers
○ Foam Fire Extinguishers
○ Powder Fire Extinguishers
○ CO2 Fire Extinguishers
○ Wet Fire Extinguishers

To get certified in using fire extinguishers, please enrol on our Fire Marshal course.


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Fire Marshal training course delivery methods

Our Fire Marshal training course has been adapted to be delivered online and covers the same information as our on-site course.

Our online Fire Marshal courses is available 24/7, anytime, anywhere. Perfect for staff with busy schedules or difficult shift patterns.

• Study when you want 
• Track staff progress 
• Study anywhere you want on any device 

Choose how you want this online Fire Marshal training course delivered:


It's easy to get certified in Fire Marshal training

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book A Course Book this Fire Warden training course by calling us or sending us a message.
Login Once everything has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff.
Complete Course Complete the Fire Marshal training online course you purchased in the delivery method you chose.
Become Certified Great! Now you're certified and can download the Fire Marshal certificate from the portal.

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0330 100 0727

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