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Peer-on-Peer Abuse

All staff should be able to recognise the indicators and signs of peer-on-peer abuse. It's important to remember that children can abuse other children whether it's online, inside or outside of educational settings. This online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training is perfect for staff working in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges.

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About the Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course

This online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training in schools will teach learners to understand what peer-on-peer abuse is, the signs and types of it, peer pressure and what to do if you know or suspect a young person is experiencing peer-on-peer abuse.

It's important your staff know the difference between peer-on-peer abuse and downplaying certain behaviours by dismissing them as "having a laugh". This can lead to an unsafe environment for children. Ensure your staff know to identify peer-on-peer abuse and report it in line with their child protection policy, by enrolling them on our online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course.

Upon successful completion, learners will receive a downloadable and printable Peer-on-Peer Abuse certificate.

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Entry & Level, coshh, coshh training course, coshh awareness, coshh certificate, coshh symbols, coshh signs, coshh risk assessment, online coshh course, coshh regulations, coshh legislation, online coshh training course, coshh awareness training course, coshh elearning, coshh online training Entry & Level There are no barriers to entry on this online Peer-on-Peer Abuse course for school staff. This is an awareness course, suitable for all.
Certification, coshh, coshh training course, coshh awareness, coshh certificate, coshh symbols, coshh signs, coshh risk assessment, online coshh course, coshh regulations, coshh legislation, online coshh training course, coshh awareness training course, coshh elearning, coshh online training Certification On completion of this online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training for schools, either download your certificate or access it later online.
COSHH Accreditations, coshh, coshh training course, coshh awareness, coshh certificate, coshh symbols, coshh signs, coshh risk assessment, online coshh course, coshh regulations, coshh legislation, online coshh training course, coshh awareness training course, coshh elearning, coshh online training Accreditations This online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training is CPD accredited. It meets accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.


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Providing relevant knowledge and skills

Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course learning outcomes

On completion of the Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course, learners would know and understand the following:
  • Peer-on-Peer Abuse meaning
    Learn what peer-on-peer abuse is

  • Signs, effects and factors
    Signs of peer-on-peer abuse, the effects and external influencing factors

  • Social norms and peer pressures
    Learn about the social norms and peer pressure

  • Prevalence of Peer-on-Peer abuse
    Understand and learn more about the prevalence of peer-on-peer abuse

  • Types of abuse
    Know the different types of peer-on-peer abuse

  • What to do if you suspect it
    Learn what action to take if you know or suspect a young person is experiencing peer-on-peer abuse

  • Implementing preventative strategies
    Learn how to implement preventative strategies within a school or college environment

FLXB Certificate Reduced (1)



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A glimpse of the Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course

Take a look at our Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course screenshots below. If you would like to see more of the course features before you enrol, book a free demo here with our training specialists.


FAQ – Peer-on-Peer Abuse in schools training courses

Frequently asked questions

We’ve answered the most common questions our training experts get asked regarding peer-on-peer abuse. Just click to expand.

What is peer-on-peer abuse in schools?

Peer-on-peer abuse in schools is any form of physical, sexual or emotional abuse between children who are of the same or similar age.

It can happen in or away from a school setting, however, it can often go unseen. That is why it is so important for school staff to take this online Peer-on-Peer Abuse in schools training to learn how to spot the signs of abuse, and the actions to take if you know or suspect a problem.

Should my school have a peer-on-peer abuse policy? All schools should include peer-on-peer abuse in their school policies and procedures because staff need to ensure it is part of their everyday practice and whom to report to if they suspect anything.
Is peer-on-peer abuse the same as bullying?

Peer-on-peer abuse can include bullying, however, it also includes other types of abuse e.g. sexual harassment and abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers.

Whereas bullying is a type of behaviour, repeated over time, and just involves physical and emotional abuse.


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Peer-on-Peer Abuse training course delivery methods

e-learning delivery method tall


Our Peer-on-Peer Abuse course is easily accessible online through e-learning, allowing your staff to study anytime, anywhere, 24/7. This makes it the perfect option for staff with challenging shift patterns. Additionally, you will receive exceptional customer support from our dedicated account manager and support team.
• Study when you want 
• Track staff progress 
• Study anywhere you want on any device 
Would you be interested in offering your staff a wide range of courses? Gain access to 200+ courses, including this Peer-on-Peer Abuse course, with our subscription package. Enjoy unlimited access to e-learning AND webinar courses, allowing your staff to expand their knowledge and skills.



It's easy to get certified in Peer-on-Peer Abuse

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book A Course Book this Peer-on-Peer Abuse course in Schools by calling us or sending us a message.
Login Once everything has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff.
Complete Course Complete the online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training for school staff you purchased in the delivery method you chose.
Become Certified Great! Now you're certified and can download the certificates from the portal.

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