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Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion Awareness

Pressure ulcers cause immeasurable pain and suffering and the majority of them are preventable. This online Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training course will teach learners how to identify, prevent and treat pressure ulcers and moisture lesions.

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About the Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion Awareness training course

Anyone receiving a health or social care service shouldn't suffer from a pressure injury or wound. By being aware of who is at high risk and carrying out the right checks, you can make a real difference in providing the best person-centred care.

Our Moisture Lesion and Pressure Care training course will teach learners about the skin and its three layers, the oxygen and blood flow, what pressure ulcers and moisture lesions are and the difference between the two, the common pressure points, the signs and symptoms and the pressure ulcer grading. It covers how to identify those who are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers, ways to prevent, treat and reduce the development of pressure ulcers and the properties of different dressings and their functions.

Upon successful completion, learners will receive a downloadable and printable Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion certification. 

Duration Duration Dependent on the delivery method, this Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion care training for nurses takes between 1-2 hours to complete and gain your certificate. 
Entry & Level Entry & Level There are no barriers to entry on this Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training for carers. This is an awareness course, suitable for all. 
Certification Certification On completion of this Moisture Lesion and Pressure Ulcer Care training course, either download your certificate or access it later online.
Accreditations Accreditations This online Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion course is CPD accredited and delivered by a Skills for Care Endorsed Provider. It meets accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines. 


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Providing relevant knowledge and skills

Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training course learning outcomes

On completion of this online Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training, learners should know and understand the following:  
  • The skin and its three layers
    Learn and understand the skin and its 3 layers
  • Oxygen and blood flow
    Understand oxygen and blood flow in the body and how it affects the skin
  • What a pressure ulcer is
    Know what a pressure ulcer is and how it develops
  • Common pressure points
    Learn the common pressure points a pressure ulcer may occur
  • Signs, Symptoms and Grading
    Understand the signs and symptoms of a pressure ulcer and pressure ulcer grading 
  • Who is at high risk
    be able to identify those who are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers
  • Moisture lesions
    Know what a moisture lesion is and the difference between pressure ulcers and moisture lesions
  • Ways to prevent, treat and reduce
    Learn ways to prevent, treat and reduce the development of pressure ulcers
  • Dressings and their functions
    Understand the properties of different dressings and their functions

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A glimpse of the Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training course

Take a look at our Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion Awareness training course screenshots below. If you would like to see more of the course features before you enrol, book a free demo here with our training specialists.


FAQ - Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training course

Frequently asked questions

We've answered the most common Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion questions our training experts get asked.

What is a pressure ulcer?

A pressure ulcer is an injury to the skin and the deeper tissue beneath it. This happens when pressure is applied to the same area of skin for a period of time and cuts off its blood supply It is more common if a person is restricted to a bed or chair for an extended period of time.

What Is a Moisture Lesion?

Moisture lesions are an injury that occurs on the skin and occurs by exposure to excessive moisture from urine, faeces, sweat and weeping wounds.

Who is most at risk of getting pressure ulcers?

Anyone can get a pressure ulcer, but the following things can make them more likely to occur:

  • Being confined to bed with illness or after surgery
  • Inability to move some or all of the body (paralysis)
  • Obesity
  • Urinary incontinence and bowel incontinence
  • Medical conditions that affect blood supply, make skin more fragile or cause movement problems
  • Being over 70 – older people are more likely to have mobility problems and skin that's more easily damaged through dehydration and other factors
How to put pressure care training into practice? Some ways to put pressure care training into practice are by changing the patients' positions, checking the skin for signs of an ulcer, and ensuring they have a healthy balanced diet. With the correct pressure care training and putting this training into everyday practice, pressure ulcers can be avoided. 
How often should healthcare staff workers have pressure ulcer training? There is no set time frame for how often healthcare staff workers should have pressure ulcer training, but it is recommended to renew your training annually in order to keep your staff’s knowledge up to date.
What is the importance of pressure ulcer prevention training?

Pressure UIcer Prevention training is important because it teaches staff the correct knowledge and skills to effectively prevent pressure ulcers, how they develop, and how they can be treated.

Not looking after them properly can be life-threatening to the patient because it could lead to blood poisoning and gangrene. It could also be seen as a safeguarding issue as they often develop due to neglect, poor care and not being treated properly. 


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Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion Awareness course delivery methods

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Our Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training course is easily accessible online through e-learning, allowing your staff to study anytime, anywhere, 24/7. This makes it the perfect option for staff with challenging shift patterns. Additionally, you will receive exceptional customer support from our dedicated account manager and support team.
• Study when you want 
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• Study anywhere you want on any device 
Would you be interested in offering your staff a wide range of courses? Gain access to 200+ courses, including this Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion Awareness course, with our subscription package. Enjoy unlimited access to e-learning AND webinar courses, allowing your staff to expand their knowledge and skills.

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It's easy to get certified in Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book A Course Book this Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion training by calling us or sending us a message.
Login Once everything has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff. 
Complete Course Complete the Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion care training you purchased in the delivery method you chose. 
Become Certified Great! Now you're certified and can download the Pressure Care and Moisture Lesion certificate from the portal.

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