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Online Safeguarding training courses teaching how to protect and safeguard adults, young people, and children from abuse and neglect. Ideal for safeguarding officer and designated safeguarding lead training, as well as for any staff working with vulnerable adults, teenagers and children. Starting from as little as £0.40/user, save money whilst easily meeting your safeguarding requirements and empowering your staff.
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Meeting high safeguarding standards

What is safeguarding training?

Our Safeguarding courses are:

  • CPD accredited

  • Delivered by a Skills for Care endorsed provider

Whether you work in education, healthcare or in the community, safeguarding plays a crucial role in keeping vulnerable children, teenagers and adults safe from harm, abuse, and neglect. Safeguarding training allows staff to create a safe environment and empower people to speak up about their concerns.

Our comprehensive selection of accredited CPD Safeguarding courses include Child Protection courses, as well as Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults and Children, Challenging Behaviour Awareness and a host of other courses suitable for DSL training. Delivered via eLearning, Webinar and Blended Learning, your staff can gain the relevant safeguarding certificate with training that suits them.

Invest in our online Safeguarding courses today and make training easy while ensuring that your business meets the highest safeguarding standards. With Flexebee, you can provide your staff with the necessary tools to fulfil their duty of care and protect those in their care.

Looking to start learning now?

For more information and pricing on our online Safeguarding training courses, give us a call and speak to our training team!
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Staff safeguarding training courses

Find the right Safeguarding course for your staff from our range of CPD Safeguarding courses, DSL training and many more. Covering all your safeguarding needs, from Child Protection courses to Modern Slavery training, staff can earn their safeguarding certificates anytime, anywhere with these online courses.

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Safeguarding Adults Level 1

Gain awareness of safeguarding of vulnerable adults and the key responsibilities needed to work.

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Safeguarding Adults Level 2

Further develop your safeguarding vulnerable adults skills and be able to bare a greater responsibility for safeguarding in your workplace.

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Safeguarding Adults Level 3

Our highest level safeguarding adults course. Designed for staff who may have overall responsibility for safeguarding within their organisation.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 1

Develop awareness of key issues in safeguarding of children and young people.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 2

Further develop your safeguarding children and young people skills and be able to bear a greater responsibility for safeguarding in your workplace.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 3

Build on your existing safeguarding knowledge and the key responsibilities of individuals.

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County Lines and Knife Crime

Identify and support children and young people vulnerable to exploitation via county lines and knife crime.

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Preventing Radicalisation

Meet the Prevent duty requirement. Safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised.

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Challenging Behaviour Awareness

Understand how to identify behaviour that challenges, its effects and how to manage it.

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FGM Awareness

Provides useful information about female genital mutilation and how to spot potential signs.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People in Education Level 1

Develop awareness of key issues in safeguarding of children and young people in an education setting.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People in Education Level 2

Further develop your safeguarding children and young people skills and be able to bear a greater responsibility for safeguarding.

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Safeguarding of Children and Young People in Education Level 3

Build on your existing safeguarding knowledge and the key responsibilities in the education sector.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

Recognise what ACEs are, the trauma attached to them, and how to provide support for them.

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Child Neglect

Broaden and understand child neglect, how to spot neglect and how to appropriately report any concerns.

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Child Protection Awareness

Raising awareness of child abuse for health, social care, education and frontline staff.

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Child Protection in Sport & Active Leisure

Designed for those who work in a leisure or sport setting. Learn how to spot the signs of abuse and how to ensure safeguarding in sport.

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Child Sexual Exploitation

CSE training raises awareness of child exploitation for health, social care, education and front line staff.

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Cyber Security in Education

Identify threats online, the types of cyber-attacks, how to minimise the risks and understand cyber security polices.

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Digital Resilience Online

Explore the potential risks of technology and how to safeguard children and young people from these digital threats.

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Disclosure and Barring Service Checks

Make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children.

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Equality & Diversity in Education

Understand the meanings of equality and diversity in education and the responsibilities employers and employees have.

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FGM in Education

Understand what female genital mutilation is, why the practice happens and the effects it has on victims.

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Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Recognise healthy and harmful sexual behaviour in children & young people and how to effectively respond to it.

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Parental Responsibilities in School

Understand the responsibilities of a parent in an education setting.

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Peer-on-Peer Abuse

Equip your staff with a thorough understanding of Peer on Peer abuse, what it looks like and their responsibilities.

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Raising Awareness of Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage

Understand what Honour Based Abuse and forced marriage are, the early signs and the actions to take.

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Safer Recruitment in Education

Understand the process of safe recruitment in education including vetting check, pre-recruitment and post-recruitment.

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SEND Code of Practice

Provides an overview of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice.

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Serious Youth Violence

Learn how to safeguard, intervene and support those involved in serious youth violence.

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Use of Reasonable Force in Schools

Understand what reasonable force in schools is, who can use it and how reasonable force can be used in schools.

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Bullying and Harassment

Raise awareness and reduce bullying and harassment. Help tackle a serious workplace issue.

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Conflict Management

Learn how to manage conflict, minimise it and create effective positive outcomes in situations.

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Forced Marriage Awareness

Raises awareness, changes perceptions and informs of the actions to take if someone is at risk.

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Lone Working Awareness

An introduction to personal safety for lone workers and how they can manage the risks.

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Modern Day Slavery Awareness Gain an understanding of the signs and indicators of Modern Day Slavery, and how to support victims. Read More
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Internet Safety Awareness

Explore the potential risks of technology and how to address these risks to protect others.

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Get all the courses in Safeguarding:
Bullying and Harassment
Challenging Behaviour Awareness
Child Safeguarding Advanced
Child Sexual Exploitation
Conflict Management
FGM Awareness
Forced Marriage Awareness

Internet Safety Awareness
Lone Working Awareness
Preventing Radicalisation
Safeguarding Adults Awareness
Safeguarding Children Awareness
Safeguarding Adults Train the Trainer

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Safeguarding training FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Take a look at our common safeguarding questions below. Just click to expand the answers!

Our online Safeguarding courses covers these questions in depth – enrol today and become certified easily!

What is safeguarding training?

Safeguarding training is a course that will certify and teach staff members how to prevent children or vulnerable adults from experiencing any abuse or harm.

It will teach them how to spot the many different forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and harm. They will also be confident in what to do if this happens and whom to report to.

What is a designated safeguarding lead?

A designated safeguarding lead, or DSL, is someone in your organisation who is responsible for creating safeguarding policies, handling staff training, and managing any concerns about child or adult abuse. The DSL also works with external agencies to make sure everyone is protected.

Who can be a designated safeguarding lead?

Generally an organisation's designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is a senior, trained staff member with strong leadership and communication skills, who is able to navigate complex safeguarding concerns with empathy and discretion.

Most important to becoming a DSL is the candidate's commitment to safeguarding, strong leadership, and relevant training.

How often does the designated safeguarding lead undertake training?

Designated safeguarding lead training should be completed every two years to update their knowledge and skills required to carry out the role.

What is safeguarding in care?

Safeguarding in care is protecting vulnerable people (children & adults) from harm, abuse, and neglect. It's about creating a safe environment and empowering them to speak up about concerns. Caregivers (care homes, social care etc.) play a vital role in this protection.

What are the key pieces of legislation for safeguarding?

The main legislation that governs safeguarding adults is The Care Act (2014). The main points covered in The Care Act (2014) are that local authorities must: 

  • lead a multi-agency local adult safeguarding system 
  • make enquiries, or request others to make them 
  • establish Safeguarding Adults Boards 
  • carry out Safeguarding Adults Reviews 
  • arrange for an independent advocate 

Some other relevant legislation regarding safeguarding adults is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), Health and Social Care Act (2012), Mental Capacity Act (2005), Equality Act (2010) and the Human Rights Act (1998). 

The main legislation that governs safeguarding children and young people is The Children Act (1989) and the main points are: 

  • To allow children to be healthy 
  • Allowing children to remain safe in their environments 
  • Helping children to enjoy life 
  • Assisting children in their quest to succeed 
  • Help make a contribution – a positive contribution – to the lives of children 
  • Help achieve economic stability for our children’s futures 
What is an example of a safeguarding issue?

Some examples of safeguarding issues are sexual exploitation, grooming, bullying, allegations against staff, incidents of self-harm, FGM, forced marriage and radicalisation. These are the main and most common types of safeguarding issues you would come across but there will be others. 

To cover some or all of these topics in detail, you can enrol yourself or your staff on to our online safeguarding training courses. Get in touch today! 

How can training in safeguarding help you in your role?

Training in safeguarding can help your staff in their role by:

  • being able to confidently identify abuse
  • reporting the abuse effectively
  • establishing trust between them and the child or vulnerable adult
  • Improving team communication
How often should staff be trained in safeguarding?

Staff safeguarding training requirements vary. There is no universal ruling on how often staff should be trained in safeguarding, though some sectors, including education, and organisations require training to be updated annually.

Best practices and risk assessments are used to guide most organisations, with annual refreshers necessary for those with safeguarding responsibilities.

What is the difference between safeguarding and child protection?

Safeguarding is a broader concept that encompasses protecting all people, especially children and vulnerable adults, from harm, abuse, and neglect. It's about preventing harm from happening in the first place and creating a safe environment for everyone.

Child protection is a specific part of safeguarding that focuses on protecting children at risk of harm or already experiencing abuse, neglect, or exploitation. It involves identifying, reporting, and responding to these situations.

What is the difference between levels 1, 2 and 3 Safeguarding training?

There are 3 levels of safeguarding training for adults and children. Here's a breakdown of each safeguarding level:

Safeguarding Level 1: Basic safeguarding awareness for all staff. Level 1 safeguarding training teaches staff how to identify signs of abuse and the correct reporting procedures.

Safeguarding Level 2: Builds on Level 1 for those with frequent contact with vulnerable people. Level 2 safeguarding training explores specific safeguarding concerns and communication with potential victims.

Safeguarding Level 3: This is advanced training for DSLs and others in high-risk roles. Level 3 safeguarding training provides learners with in-depth knowledge of legislation, how to manage complex situations, and cooperation with external agencies.

Each training level builds upon the previous one, providing staff with the knowledge and skills to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.


It's easy to get certified in Safeguarding

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book a course Select the right online training package via the website, by messaging us or calling.
Login Once your online Safeguarding courses has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff.
Complete course Complete your online Safeguarding training courses you purchased in the delivery method you chose.
Become certified

Great! Now you're certified and can download your Safeguarding certificates from the portal.

Complete training for your sector

Click on one of the categories below to learn about other ranges of courses.

Our pricing plan

All Plans Include:

  • Interactive training with text-to-speech, captions and voice-over functions

  • Responsive platform: courses can be completed on any device, anywhere, anytime

  • Dedicated Account Manager to help you get the best out of your training package

  • Top customer support with intercom course guides, live chat, screen share and phone support


Buy starter bundles or top-ups of e-learning and webinar credits. Access all the courses that your team needs.
  • Pay-as-you-go, fast and easy
  • The popular choice when purchasing low volumes
  • Free Learner Management System allowing you to control your training outcomes
  • Top up and add credit bundles easily
  • Access to scheduled webinars
  • Replace leavers for free
  • Access to all our e-learning and webinar courses
  • Updates and new courses added at no extra cost

Online Exclusive!

From £0.99 per course

How can these courses benefit your staff?

See how our Flexebee courses can help grow and boost your staff’s skills.

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FlexeHive Learning Management System


Simple and effective digital training is what we promise.
From managers to designated safeguarding leads, our LMS makes it easy and convenient to complete your safeguarding courses. With a fast set up and many inbuilt tools, our LMS will ensure your Company’s safeguarding training succeeds.
Features include: customised branding, clear actionable reports, SCORM compliance, built-in webinar technology, accredited courses, downloadable certificates and many more.
Explore our Flexehive LMS and discover how you can achieve your business compliance and training goals.

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