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Safeguarding Adults Online Training

If you work with vulnerable adults, you are legally required to have safeguarding training. It’s one of the most important training courses you could receive. Our accredited Safeguarding Adults training course will provide you with everything you need to protect your patient/service users from harm.

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About this Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course

This Skills for Care endorsed and CPD accredited Safeguarding Adults training online programme will help protect vulnerable adults and keep them safe from harm.

Anyone working with vulnerable adults is required to have knowledge of how to safeguard at-risk adults. This knowledge can help protect and prevent vulnerable individuals from experiencing abuse and neglect, which in turn could change or, in some cases, save the lives of vulnerable people.

Our Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults training course will teach learners the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect, the different types of abuse, safeguarding legislation and how to deal with a safeguarding concern, including the 5 R’s you should follow. On completion of this online course, you will receive an accredited Safeguarding Adults certification.

If you work with children, our Safeguarding Children training course will be better for you and your organisation.

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Entry & Level, safeguarding Entry & Level, safeguarding adults, safeguarding adults training course, safeguarding of vulnerable adults training course, safeguarding adults certificate, online safeguarding adults training, safeguarding adults awareness, safeguarding training, safeguarding legislation, care act 2014 safeguarding, safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006, safeguarding policy Entry & Level There are no barriers to entry on this Safeguarding Adults Awareness course. This is an awareness course, suitable for all.
certificate, safeguarding adults, safeguarding adults training course, safeguarding of vulnerable adults training course, safeguarding adults certificate, online safeguarding adults training, safeguarding adults awareness, safeguarding training, safeguarding legislation, care act 2014 safeguarding, safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006, safeguarding policy Certification On completion of this online Safeguarding Training Adults course, either download your certificate or access it at a later date online.
Accreditations, safeguarding Accreditations, safeguarding adults, safeguarding adults training course, safeguarding of vulnerable adults training course, safeguarding adults certificate, online safeguarding adults training, safeguarding adults awareness, safeguarding training, safeguarding legislation, care act 2014 safeguarding, safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006, safeguarding policy Accreditations This Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults online training is CPD accredited and Skills for Care endorsed. It meets accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.


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Providing relevant knowledge and skills

Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course learning outcomes

On completion of this online Safeguarding Adults course, either by e-learning, webinar or blended learning, learners should know and understand the following:
  • Defining safeguarding
    This module includes an explanation of what safeguarding adults at risk is, making safeguarding personal and a case study to help you understand safeguarding further.
  • Types of abuse
    Identify the 10 main categories of abuse types and learn who an abuser could be.
  • Signs of abuse
    Recognise signs and symptoms of possible abuse and go into detail about each act/sign.
  • Escalating concerns
    Describe what you should do if you have a concern about an adult's welfare or safety.
  • Laws and regulations
    Learn the multiple legislation associated with safeguarding including Human Rights Act 1998, MCA 2005, Health and Social Care Act 2008 and more.

FLXB Certificate Reduced, safeguarding adults, safeguarding adults training course, safeguarding of vulnerable adults training course, safeguarding adults certificate, online safeguarding adults training, safeguarding adults awareness, safeguarding training, safeguarding legislation, care act 2014 safeguarding, safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006, safeguarding policy



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A glimpse of the Safeguarding Adults Awareness course

Take a look at our Safeguarding Adults course screenshots below. If you would like to see more of the course features before you enrol, book a free demo here with our training specialists.


FAQ - The Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course

Frequently asked questions

Take a look at our common safeguarding questions below. Just click to expand the answers!

Our online Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course covers these questions in depth – enrol today and become certified easily!

What is safeguarding adults?

The Care Act statutory guidance defines safeguarding adults as "Protecting an adult's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect".

An adult at risk is anyone who is aged 18 years or over. Learn more about working with vulnerable adults with our Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course. If you work with children, please see our Safeguarding Children Awareness course.

What are the 6 principles of safeguarding adults? The 6 principles of safeguarding adults are:
  1. Empowerment - People are supported and confident in making their own decisions and giving informed consent.
  2. Prevention - It is better to take action before harm occurs, preventing neglect, harm or abuse.
  3. Proportionality - The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
  4. Protection - Provide support and representation for those in greatest need.
  5. Partnerships - Create solutions by forming partnerships with local communities to help assist in preventing and detecting abuse.
  6. Accountability - Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding practice.

These six safeguarding principles apply to all health and care settings and were first introduced by the Department of Health in 2011 but are now embedded in the Care Act 2014.

For a detailed explanation of the 6 principles of safeguarding adults and to become certified in safeguarding adults, enrol on our working with vulnerable adults training today!

What are the 5 R's in safeguarding?

The 5 R's in safeguarding will help staff to recall the steps they should take if they ever have a safeguarding concern. They are:

- Recognise - Know the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.

- Respond - Respond appropriately when you have a concern about abuse or neglect. Your safeguarding policy will detail the steps you should take to respond safely and effectively to any potential safeguarding issue.

- Report - Report your safeguarding concern to your designated safeguarding lead. You can often find who this person is in your safeguarding policy.

- Record - Ensure you record everything you have seen or heard in relation to the issue.

- Refer - Refer your concerns to the correct authority. It's normally your designated safeguarding lead that will report this, so it's best to make sure you pass on everything you have.

Who has responsibility for safeguarding adults in need?

Anyone who works in health and social care has a responsibility for safeguarding adults in need. They have a duty of care to their patients/service users, so everyone needs to be alert to the possibility of abuse. Especially as it can happen to anyone in any setting.

Employees have the responsibility to follow the 6 safeguarding principles enshrined within the Care Act 2014 and to follow the 5 R's in safeguarding when they have a safeguarding concern.

Who needs safeguarding of vulnerable adults training?

Everyone who works with vulnerable adults, whether you are an employee, self-employed or a volunteer, needs safeguarding of vulnerable adults training. Safeguarding training is one of the most important training your staff will receive as it teaches you to recognise the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect, the different forms of abuse and safeguarding legislation.

Start learning these and more with our Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults training course.

What is the safeguarding policy?

A safeguarding policy is a statement that shows what an organisation will do to keep their patients/service users safe from abuse and neglect. The policy should set out the procedures and steps to follow when reporting concerns of abuse, the organisation's commitment to protecting vulnerable adults and safeguarding legislation.

All businesses need a safeguarding policy and it should be reviewed annually and made available to the public.

Is safeguarding training mandatory?

Yes, safeguarding of adults training is mandatory. In fact, it is a legal requirement for anyone who works with vulnerable adults and if they fail to prove that they have completed a safeguarding training course, they could face prosecution.

Organisations also need to follow safeguarding legislation such as the Care Act 2014 and The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 to ensure their employees are deemed suitable to work and are following the correct procedures when it comes to vulnerable adults.

How often should staff be trained in safeguarding?

It is advised that staff working with vulnerable adults update their safeguarding training every 2 years.


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Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course delivery methods

Our Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults training online course is available 24/7, anytime, anywhere. Perfect for care staff with busy schedules or difficult shift patterns. 

• Study when you want 
• Track staff progress 
• Study anywhere you want on any device 

Choose how you want this online Safeguarding Adults Awareness training course delivered:


It's easy to get certified in Safeguarding Adults Awareness

Just follow these four simple steps, sit back, relax and let us do the hard work for you and your team.

Book A Course Book your Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Awareness course via the website, by messaging us or calling.
Login Once everything has been booked, you will receive login details for you and your staff.
Complete Course Complete the Safeguarding Adults online training you purchased in the delivery method you chose.
Become Certified Great! Now you're certified and can download the certificates from the portal.

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